What Happens During E-commerce Website Migration
Ecommerce Website Migration
During ecommerce website migration, all of your online data is transferred from one platform to a new one. The process of migration involves finding the right platform and switching over your website, data, and systems.
Some common e-commerce platforms include:
- Magento
- Shopify
- Big Commerce
- WooCommerce
- Wix
- SquareSpace
Businesses decide to re-platform their online store for a number of reasons. Typically, the choice to migrate is made because they feel as though something is lacking with their existing solution. You may feel as though your current platform is struggling to meet its required capabilities and functionality purposes. It may be difficult for your developers to use or is littered with technical issues that could otherwise be avoided.
Let’s take a look at some more specific reasons why your ecommerce website may be in need of migrating over to a different platform.

Your E-commerce Website is Too Slow
Site speed is an important factor for a ecommerce website migration. If your website is slow and cumbersome for users, then they are not likely to stick around to engage with your products and/or services. Your customers want to jump onto a website that loads quickly, performs well, and is overall snappy and responsive.
In fact, research suggests that up to 53% of shoppers are likely to click off a website if a page fails to load within 3 seconds. That doesn’t give your e-commerce website a lot of wriggle room for lacklustre performance, making it essential that you are using a platform that can adequately handle your site’s demands.
Some common reasons for slow site speed include:
- Messy code
- Poor hosting solution
- Too many third-party apps
- Problems with JavaScript
Poor site speed also has a negative effect on your website’s SEO ranking. Google punishes websites that take too long to load and which offer a poor experience for their users. If your e-commerce website has a below-average Google Page Speed score, then it will likely not be ranked as highly as it otherwise could.
If your site speed isn’t up to the standard it should be, consider migrating your e-commerce website over to a new platform. Doing so will allow your website to maintain a strong user experience, improve your conversion rate, and boost your SEO.

Maintenance Costs Are Through the Roof
If your current e-commerce website is on a badly optimised platform, you are likely having to spend far too much on maintenance costs each and every month. And once your maintenance costs exceed your proceeds, then you know that something has to change.
You want your site to remain secure, safe, and fast, but if that means your maintenance expenses are going through the roof, then it is time for a switch. The good news is that changes can be made to fix this cost issue. If you are paying too much for site maintenance, then now may be the perfect time to re-evaluate your current solution, and see if there is a chance for you to move to something better instead.
Our team of magento web developers can sit down with you and discuss how potentially we could save you thousands on a completely optimized website that will enable you to integrate into platforms to streamline your business whilst saving you money each month on subscriptions.
There are several alternatives that you can choose from. There’s a good chance you could find a perfect match that won’t cost you an extreme amount of money in maintenance costs. It may be that a ready-made SaaS eCommerce platform suits you better than a customisable-but-expensive Open Source one, because the software developers are responsible for maintaining it, and they offer their help if anything goes south.

Integration is Poor
You want your e-commerce business to grow, develop, and reach new heights. However, this simply may not be possible on your existing platform – especially if it fails to properly integrate with third-party extensions and apps. These additional features enable your site to become more powerful, increase its functionality, and become more developer-friendly in general.
Depending on how much integration you need for your site, some e-commerce solutions may be better than others. For example, if you choose to use Squarespace, you’ll only have access to around 20 apps and add-ons as this is a hosted solution. Meanwhile, if you decide to use Magento – an open-source platform – there will be over 3000 apps and add-ons for you to choose from.
In short, effective integration is needed for your e-commerce business to go to the next level, but make sure you do your research to find which solution is best for you and your business.

Restricted Capacity
While there are platforms out there that provide e-commerce businesses with unlimited products, variants, orders, and other options, some platforms do place a cap on these features. Depending on the size of your ecommerce business, this can be extremely limiting and can stunt the growth of your business.
Restricted capacity isn’t always the worst thing if your business doesn’t require unlimited options, and it will be more cost-effective if your budget is tighter. But if you are consistently coming up against those store limits, then it may be time for a change.

Lack of Modern Features
Ecommerce, as an industry, is always moving forward and is highly competitive. It can be easy to get left behind if your e-commerce platform isn’t up to date with all the latest features, tools, and resources. And if your website is too slow, cumbersome, boring, or confusing, then you are going to be leaving your customers behind as well.
Likewise, if your online store doesn’t appear trustworthy or legitimate, then your visitors are likely going to find what they are looking for elsewhere. One of the best ways to ensure that you aren’t falling behind the pack is to invest in modern features and functionality. Often, these modern tools will allow your business to sync up with multiple channels at once, such as Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.
This way, you have better control over every aspect of your business, enabling you to better connect with other online touchpoints and reach a larger audience of potential customers.

Contact One Click Media
One Click Media are Australia’s leaders in web development, web design, and digital marketing for e-commerce businesses. Our comprehensive range of web development and design services will ensure that your website is built with the strongest foundations to help elevate the rest of your business. Our e-commerce businesses are fast, secure, and reliable, while being optimised in key areas to rank on Google thanks to their superior performance.
Our e-commerce migration services ensure that your website moves to a platform that best suits its needs and potential for growth in both the short and long term. If you are unsatisfied with your current e-commerce platform, allow our team to take care of the ecommerce website migration and transition to a better solution that aligns with your needs.
To make use of One Click Media’s web development services, contact our team today on 1300 082 520.